Monday, July 4, 2016

Redding Library

My 7 year old was begging to go to the library. Isn't that fantastic? Granted as soon as we got home, he went straight to the PS3. But he held a book in his hands today, so that's something.

Often when my kids ask to go to the library, I say no. It's not because I don't like the library. I actually love our Redding Library. It's pretty impressive given the size of our community. I just can't seem to get the books back on time. Then the library charges me. One time I had to pay $25 in fees, before I could check the next book out.  Yeah, yeah...I know I can renew the books online and all that, but I just don't. Usually I'll take the kids to Goodwill and just buy books, because then I don't have to worry about turning them back in. But the last two times we have gone, I've gotten them back on time with no fees! It's progress.

The Stats: Redding Library (Shasta Public Libraries)
Hours: Sundays 1pm-5pm, Monday - Saturday 10am-8pm
Location: 1100 Park View Ave, Redding, CA

We spend the bulk of our time in the Children's Library. Mostly because I know...children.  I also like the Children's area because they don't allow adults to hang out in there without children. So all the riff raff stays out. And there is a bathroom in that area that is clean and removed from the rest of the library.  (I do not recommend having your children use the bathrooms at the entry of the library. Those bathrooms get a lot of use from the homeless and transient community. There are often people in them, and they are not as clean.)

I love Redding, but I am not blind to it's faults. One of the main complaints about Redding right now is the influx of transient and homeless people.  The Redding Library area and South City Park (next to the Library) tend to attract a large number of them.  I have never had a problem with any of them bothering us while at the library.  However, I am saddened by the deterioration of South City Park and surrounding areas. I don't pretend to know the solution to helping the homeless and cleaning up our city, but hope that a solution can be found.

On the rare occasion I am at the library without my children, the upstairs has a nice collection of reference and non fiction books. Q has used the library when studying for professional exams. 

We picked up some flyers for activities that are put on by the library.  I added most of the activities to the calendar from my post "Free & Nearly Free Summer Activities in Redding 2016". 

One of our family's personal favorite activities is Comic Con.  We will be there this Saturday. We'd love to see you!

Do you use The Redding Library? I'd love to know your thoughts. 


  1. I take my kids to Storytime on Friday mornings. The last 2 weeks I have let them actually check out books. I love that someone else reads, sings, and plans a craft for my kids. I love the play area and Lego area they have as well. My kids love the machine that changes the picture you can step on. I love that it ends right before lunch so I can use being out as an excuse to go out to lunch!

    1. Betsy, thank you for your comments. My kids don't do story time anymore (They are getting too old!), so I am glad to here that it is going strong!

    2. Betsy, thank you for your comments. My kids don't do story time anymore (They are getting too old!), so I am glad to here that it is going strong!
